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I was meandering down Bethnal green rd going completely the wrong way! When I happened upon an exquisite shop front with no name. An old bicycle in the window, a wooden table, various boxes with pictures sticking out and old beautiful mirrors, painted white floors, handmade chandelier and white Juju hat hanging on a wall.

I thought it just delightful.. Seeing nobody in I wandered round the side and low and behold was a door... There was not a moment to be lost, through the door I went and was just in time to see several people scoffing down the most authentic looking pizza this side of Italy. With a cheshire grin and eyes like saucers I went up to ask if I could take a shot or two and thinking it Tweet, I could add too! Yes indeed was the reply and so my tale begins.. To return anon.


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     ©Amber Jeavons Ltd 2024
    Interior photography - Amber Jeavons & Roger Cannon
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